So the last version of this code turned out to generate rather strange deep stops with zero time. Finally found a small error in the conservatism module that was mis-calculating the stop depths so fixed that.
Now getting values for a first dive from totally equilibrated state (ie at surface with no previous dives) that pretty much match mplan and my old apeks quantum simulator.
I'm finally confident enough of this to begin trying to encode things onto the final pic circuit and encapsulatee in a hopefully waterproof housing. Freescale have confirmed that their pressure sensor can be made water compatible (with no guarantees though) if one injects it with silicon oil of a certain type so am hoping to try this out using a vacuum filler next week. If the MPX5700 doesn't survive I may have to resort to the more expensive SMD variety that the OSTC uses but as this costs £25 I'm a little reluctant to invest until I know that the freescale is useless.
I guess I could try to encapsulate the freescale one in an air filled volume with a pressure transducing membrane but it'd need to be pretty durable whilst having an insignificant effect from elasticity. ....
Instead I'm going to add quite a long tube to the sensor pipe with a very narrow diameter - water will enter this tube but capillary action should keep it from every arriving at the active element. This plus the silicon oil should be ok - finger crossed for a wet test next week.....
Now do I invest in schurter piezo switches....???
Great blog, very informative! Thank you for sharing. How did it turn out?
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